ISSN 1390-7778 (Versión Impresa)
ISSN 2528-8148 (Versión Electrónica)
Revista CientífiCa
Volumen 13, Número 1, Enero-Junio 2024
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This article examines the incorporation of
articial intelligence (AI) in the research
and writing practices of Mexican scien-
tists. Semi-structured interviews were
conducted with researchers in the elds
of biology, biological sciences, and bio-
medical sciences. The most common use
of AI tools was found to be to improve,
transform, and adapt texts, especially in
correcting English manuscripts, thus fa-
cilitating publication in international con-
texts. Other uses include searches in the
literature, suppchatort as a virtual tutor,
preliminary data interpretation, and gener-
ation of programming code for statistical
analysis. Only one participant uses AI as a
research assistant to dene objectives and
methodologies. All participants agreed
that AI improves their efciency. How-
ever, they also identied signicant issues
such as plagiarism, information leakage,
and academic dishonesty. They also de-
nounced a practice they consider blatant:
people presenting complete AI-generated
texts as their own, a practice observed in
both students and established researchers.
Taking into account these challenges, it is
essential to implement training programs,
awareness campaigns, and establish up-
dated ethical guidelines. The article con-
cludes with recommendations to improve
transparency and declaration of AI use in
Keywords: Scientic personnel train-
ing, Research strategies, Articial Intel-
Este artículo examina la incorporación de
la Inteligencia Articial (IA) en las prácti-
cas de investigación y escritura de cientí-
cos mexicanos. Se realizaron entrevistas
semiestructuradas a investigadores de las
áreas de biología, ciencias biológicas y
Artículo de
The incorporation of generative articial
intelligence in the research and writing
practices of Mexican scientists
Eduardo Santiago-Ruiz
La incorporación de la inteligencia articial generativa en las
prácticas de investigación y escritura de cientícos mexicanos
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Ciudad de México-México. eduardoatx9@gmail.com
YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 83-97
The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The
research and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTsresearch and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTs
Santiago-Ruiz, E
YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 83-97
ciencias biomédicas. Se encontró que el uso más común de herramientas de IA es para me-
jorar, transformar y adaptar textos, especialmente en la corrección de manuscritos en inglés,
facilitando así la publicación en contextos internacionales. Otros usos incluyen la búsqueda de
bibliografía, el apoyo como tutor virtual, la interpretación preliminar de datos y la generación
de código de programación para análisis estadísticos. Solo uno de los participantes utiliza la IA
como asistente de investigación para denir objetivos y metodologías. Todos los participantes
coincidieron en que la IA mejora su eciencia. Sin embargo, también identicaron problemas
signicativos, como el plagio, la ltración de información y la deshonestidad académica. Tam-
bién denunciaron un uso que consideran descarado: personas que presentan textos completos
generados por IA como propios, una práctica observada tanto en estudiantes como en investi-
gadores consolidados. Ante estos desafíos, es fundamental implementar programas de forma-
ción, campañas de concientización y establecer lineamientos éticos actualizados. El artículo
concluye con recomendaciones para mejorar la transparencia y la declaración del uso de IA en
la investigación.
Palabras clave: Formación de personal cientíco, Estrategias en la investigación, Inteligencia
In recent years, the integration of articial
intelligence (AI) in research has been a
constantly growing trend. In a pioneering
article, Hutson (2022) explained the poten-
tial applications of AI in various scientic
elds. What seemed like science ction at
that time, as it was within reach of only a
few, became a tangible reality in just one
year with the arrival of ChatGPT. This
chatbot, which only requires an Internet
connection, allowed many scientists who
had no prior contact with AI to begin in-
tegrating it into their writing and research
According to the World Economic Forum
(2023), this technology will bring pro-
found changes to the job market in just
ve years. And one of the professions with
a high probability of being ‘augmented’ is
precisely that of scientists, as it can signi-
cantly improve their work.
Although there is abundant literature on
the use of AI in science, most of them
are essays, editorials, and opinion pieces,
making empirical research highly neces-
sary (Sallam, 2023). Furthermore, most of
the research has focused on other regions,
leaving an important gap with respect to
what is happening in Latin America. In a
context where AI is already beginning to
modify the work of researchers, it is cru-
cial to understand the changes that are oc-
curring. This involves understanding not
only how they are adapting to this tech-
nology and how they are leveraging it but
also the problems they face. Therefore, the
purpose of this article is to examine how
Mexican researchers in the elds of biol-
ogy, biological sciences, and biomedical
sciences are incorporating AI into their
research and writing practices. This study
adopts a qualitative approach that allows
for a comprehensive exploration of the
modications that occur in this eld. The
ndings are expected to contribute to a
better understanding of how AI is incorpo-
rated into academic and scientic elds in
YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 83-97
The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The
research and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTsresearch and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTs
Santiago-Ruiz, E
Literature review
The history of AI can be traced back to
Alan Turing (1950) who in his article
Computing Machinery and Intelligence
discussed the possibility of thinking sys-
tems. However, it is only in recent times
that AI has experienced a true explosion
in its capabilities, with such signicant
growth that it is transforming not only its
immediate environment but also having
social, economic, and political impacts on
a global scale (Dwivedi et al., 2023). Gen-
erative AI, exemplied by platforms such
as ChatGPT, Copilot, or Gemini, is charac-
terized by three key attributes.
First, its ability to execute a wide range
of tasks; second, its capacity to produce
novel content similar to what a human
would create; and third, the incorporation
of user interfaces that allow intuitive inter-
actions through natural language (Briggs
& Kodnani, 2023). Undoubtedly, the most
well-known is ChatGPT, which is a Large
Language Model (LLM), that is, an archi-
tecture that allows natural language pro-
cessing. But there are many other tools that
enable the creation of audio, image, video
or programming code, with a wide range
of uses ranging from video game creation
to business or science (Gozalo-Brizuela &
Garrido-Merchán, 2023).
In the specialized literature, AI is mainly
mentioned as a support tool for writing. Its
primary uses are text editing, title sugges-
tion, translation, content synthesis, stylis-
tic renement, and the creation of formal
communication texts (Else, 2023; Golan
et al., 2023; Kim, 2023; Santiago-Ruiz,
2024). Another use is bibliographic anal-
ysis. Vincent (2023) explains that, histor-
ically, literature review has been carried
out using the technological tools of the
time, such as Index Medicus, PubMed,
and now AI. According to the author, these
tools will allow for more exhaustive and
in-depth searches: “AI-based systems will
not only access more articles, but they will
also automatically select the most relevant
and analyze their quality” (Vincent, 2023,
p. 1). AI can also be used in various appli-
cations ranging from generating research
ideas, receiving feedback on one’s own
work, and generating programming code
(Bom, 2023; Hutson, 2022). In general,
there is a consensus that AI could be a
powerful ally, allowing time savings, in-
creased efciency, and improved produc-
Despite its great features, this technology
is not free from risks and problems. One
of the most debated topics is that of false
information, which stems from the propen-
sity of LLMs to generate hallucinations,
that is, responses that, although they sound
plausible, lack sense (OpenAI, 2022).
Hallucinations make it necessary to thor-
oughly review all ChatGPT responses (Sa-
bzalieva & Valentini, 2023). Additionally,
it causes texts created entirely with these
tools, such as case reports (Alkaissi & Mc-
Farlane, 2023), reviews, or complete arti-
cles (Huang & Tan, 2023) to be plagued
with inaccurate information or invented
One of the great shadows hanging over AI
is that it has been used to generate and pub-
lish hundreds of articles with the purpose
of increasing productivity or the number of
citations for certain researchers (Cabanac
& Labbé, 2021; Van Noorden, 2021). This
is a phenomenon that could be explained
due to the demanding model of publish or
perish. However, it should be noted that
the widespread enthusiasm for ChatGPT
has largely eclipsed this debate. However,
The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The
research and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTsresearch and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTs
Santiago-Ruiz, E
YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 83-97
it is reasonable to assume that this prac-
tice will intensify with the adoption of
LLM, since it was previously carried out
with less sophisticated tools. AI has also
raised dilemmas regarding the attribution
of authorship, especially since ChatGPT
was included as a coauthor in some arti-
cles (Grimaldi & Ehrler, 2023; Lee, 2023;
Stokel-Walker, 2023).
In response, editorial policies have gradu-
ally begun to be established (Nature, 2023)
which, in general, have the following rules:
1) it is suggested to use as a writing assis-
tant, 2) LLMs cannot be authors or coau-
thors, 3) the use of AI must be documented
and made transparent, and 4) human au-
thors must be responsible for the text.
Some voices have pointed out the possi-
bility that the use of AI could negatively
affect analytical thinking, an aspect that
is especially relevant in the training of
new researchers (Hill-Yardin et al., 2023;
Marchandot et al., 2023). In this regard,
some adopt an optimistic perspective, sug-
gesting that groups with limited experi-
ence could benet tremendously from AI,
as it might stimulate a creative process in
a particular eld of interest and/or identify
gaps in the literature (Golan et al., 2023).
However, others express concern about
the possible negative impact on intellectu-
al development: “It can endanger students’
willingness to develop skills like writing
and researching, and, above all, a blind
usage of ChatGPT does not build critical
thinking and problem-solving skills, which
are essential for academic and lifelong suc-
cess” (Dwivedi et al., 2023, p. 27). As can
be seen, AI is a rapidly evolving technol-
ogy that presents signicant opportunities,
but also challenges for scientic research.
Semi-structured interviews were conduct-
ed with ten scientists (Díaz-Bravo et al.,
2013). The sample was obtained using a
snowball technique. Participants had to
meet the following selection criteria: 1)
actively conduct research in the areas of
biology, biological sciences, and biomed-
ical sciences 2) have at least a doctorate
degree, and 3) use some AI tool for their
research or writing. The characteristics of
the participants in this investigation are de-
tailed in Table 1.
The interviews lasted between 18 minutes
and 1 hour. They were conducted online
via the Zoom platform during February,
March, and June 2024. An informed con-
sent letter was provided, and anonymity
was ensured. The interviews were tran-
scribed using the Word tool and corrected
by a human. Subsequently, they were pro-
cessed using a thematic analysis technique.
Results and discussion
General characteristics of AI usage
The rst contact with AI varied. In one
unique case, it arose from family recom-
mendations: “it was thanks to my husband,
who explained to me that they existed and
how I could use them” (Anabel). Some
others received advertisements in appli-
cations and social networks: “It appeared
when I opened the Edge browser” (Joana)
and “Facebook started to make a lot of pro-
paganda about this AI thing” (Nicolás). On
the other hand, for most participants, the
introduction to AI came from people with-
in their academic environment, such as
colleagues or students. This is the case for
Constantino: “it was through a colleague’s
recommendation”; for Samara: “one of
my colleagues was just going to work on
YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 83-97
The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The
research and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTsresearch and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTs
Santiago-Ruiz, E
an articial intelligence project” and for
Sandra: “because students started talking a
lot, especially about ChatGPT”. This high-
lights the growing use of these technolo-
gies in academic and scientic settings.
It might be assumed that, given the highly
specialized nature of their research, par-
ticipants would opt to use paid versions of
these applications; however, this is not the
case. It is notable that all participants use
free versions, as Joana expressed emphat-
ically: “Yes, of course it’s free, as if I’m
going to pay”.
The ways in which prompts are written
vary considerably. Some provide detailed
instructions like Samara: “I need this mes-
sage to be very assertive to communicate
this need, but without ceasing to be friend-
ly”. Although most prefer to use direct and
concise instructions. A notable example is
Sandra’s method, who uses a single word:
“I always use ‘improve’, ‘improve’ colon
and then I input the text, it’s my favorite”.
From what the participants mentioned, it
can be inferred that complex prompts are
not necessarily required, but rather know-
ing when and how to apply them.
Writing assistant
The applications of AI as a writing assis-
tant are diverse and encompass aspects
such as style correction, translation, sum-
marization, and title creation, as well as
adapting a manuscript to different con-
texts. Undoubtedly, the most recurrent use
is to improve English style. Previously,
participants devoted a signicant amount
Table 1
Pseudonym Level Research line AI tools Time using AI
Anabel SNI 1 Placenta ChatGPT 8 months
Samara Ph.D. Breast cancer
1 year
Joana SNI 3 Vitamins Copilot 1 year
Sandra SNI 2 Infections ChatGPT 6 months
Nicolás SNI Candidate Infections ChatGPT 1 year
Constantino SNI 1
Adipose tissue DeepL
6 months
Aurora SNI Candidate Plant physiology ChatGPT 2 months
Javier SNI 1 Ecology
1 year
Ramiro SNI 1 Breast milk
6 months
Erik SNI 2 Biomedical sensors
8 months
Notes: (1) In Mexico, the National System of Researchers (SNI) is a program aimed at promoting the scientic, technologi-
cal, and humanistic research activities of outstanding professionals in various disciplines. It is granted by the National Com-
mission for Science, Humanities and Technology (CONAHCYT) and includes both a recognition and nancial incentive.
There are several levels, each more prestigious than the previous one: candidate, 1, 2, 3, and emeritus. (2) The research line
is expressed succinctly to protect anonymity.
The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The
research and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTsresearch and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTs
Santiago-Ruiz, E
YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 83-97
of time and effort to correcting their man-
uscripts, often having to allocate part of
their research budgets to pay for special-
ized editorial correction: “paying for ed-
iting is extremely expensive” (Sandra).
Currently, in contrast, they entrust this
revision to AI: “most of the time we had
to send it to an editor for style correction,
and now there are entire paragraphs that
I put into the chat for style correction”
(Sandra) and later: “for the rst time with
the chat correction, we didn’t receive any
style correction remarks” (Sandra). The
results are impressive, and several partici-
pants claim that their works corrected with
this technique are already in the process
of publication: “last month, the rst arti-
cle where I use these tools was submitted,
and it has optimized the correction time”
(Constantino); “we have two [articles] cor-
rected by ChatGPT right now” (Sandra)
and: “I submitted two book chapters, and
it also helped me a lot with the English”
As high-level researchers who need to
communicate abroad, AI tools have prov-
en to be very useful, for example, during
presentations or conferences: “I had to in-
troduce a researcher, and although I knew
how to do it, I had many doubts. So, a
friend suggested that I ask ChatGPT for
help to create a presentation script” (Ana-
bel). It is also widely used for formal com-
munications with colleagues or editors:
“to write emails, to conrm that what I am
writing has the intended meaning, because
sometimes there can be certain colloqui-
alisms that we don’t necessarily manage”
Generative AI tools are also capable of
generating peritexts, which are texts that
complement the original. For example,
they can assist in creating titles: “this past
week, I used it for titles, I tell it what I want,
and it creates such bombastic titles for me”
(Sandra). Titles are of great relevance as
they not only describe the research but also
need to be attractive and engaging, poten-
tially increasing the chances of gaining
more readership or funding. Similarly, it is
possible to ask the AI to adjust the size of
a text to a specic number of words. This
is useful, for example, to meet the strict
length requirements in research funding
applications: “I have a project I wrote, and
now I am submitting it for funding purpos-
es. So, to avoid rewriting everything with
a specic word count, I tell it to summa-
rize it in so many words” (Joana). It is even
possible to completely adapt the tone of a
text for dissemination purposes:
Yesterday, we had to submit something
for outreach, which was a 100-word pie-
ce. So, super family-friendly, talk about
our research projects. So, I went straight
to ChatGPT and said, look, help me write
a super-friendly text. I mean, I wrote my
awful text, we work with this, with that,
make it nice for me. And so, it made it for
me from the start, like, let me invite you to
see my lab (Sandra).
The researchers mentioned in the previ-
ous paragraphs use general tools such as
ChatGPT or Copilot. On the other hand,
Erik is the only one using a specialized
AI, Writefull, to prepare his articles before
publication. This platform is designed to
correct articles that are already nished or
in an advanced draft stage, with the main
function of perfecting them before submis-
It checks the classic structure of the article
if it has the title, the abstract, correspon-
ding authors, keywords, references, con-
ict of interest statement, all these major
YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 83-97
The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The
research and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTsresearch and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTs
Santiago-Ruiz, E
headings that are usual in an article. Basi-
cally, they tell you if you are missing any
section, if it meets editorial criteria, how
the gures are, and if they are mentioned.
Some even reach such renement that they
tell you, hey, you have gure number 5,
but it is not mentioned in the text. That
part of more nitty-gritty work is what can
suddenly simplify for you (Erik).
Most participants perceive the use of AI as
a writing assistant as legitimate, similar to
using integrated tools in word processors:
“for me, it’s like using the tool that comes
in Word to check my spelling” (Joana).
Several participants (Nicolás, Constanti-
no, Ramiro, and Erik) state that using AI
in this way brings them peace and calm, as
it helps them overcome their difculties in
writing in English. By acting as a writing
assistant, AI allows them to maintain full
control over their research; essentially, it
remains their results and ideas but adapted
to another language, for specic platforms
or target audiences. In this sense, AI can
be seen as a futuristic typewriter capable
of transforming text in a complex and pro-
found way.
Research assistant
In this context, AI is used to help dene
objectives, formulate hypotheses, design
methodologies, and make corrections
suggested by reviewers. Javier is the only
participant who uses AI in this way. He
explains that one of his articles had been
rejected multiple times over the past few
years, and due to all the changes suggest-
ed by the reviewers, it had lost its original
essence. So, he turned to ChatGPT for sug-
gestions on how to recover certain points
of his text:
It suggested that in the introduction I could
say this, in the methods I should say that,
in the results I should state this, and in the
discussion, I should mention that. From
this analysis, it suggested a couple of pa-
ragraphs for each section. We did recover
some ideas from those paragraphs, espe-
cially the hypothesis, as it was well writ-
ten. I felt it captured what I wanted to say
Javier took a free course offered in the
Facebook groups of Mexican researchers
belonging to the SNI. This course prom-
ises to teach how to “train” ChatGPT to
leverage it for research, speed up litera-
ture searches, and adapt it to one’s writing
style. Based on Facebook comments from
the person offering the course, ChatGPT
Plus and plugins such as Zapier are used.
According to Javier, he learned the follow-
ing aspects in the course:
You can teach it about your topics. For
example, you can tell it, I want you to learn
about this topic, what these three authors
say. The denitions given by such and
such on this topic. And then, based on what
I taught you, help me write an objective or
a research question or a method. Or from
this article where this method was used,
help me write how I can use this method in
such a situation (Javier).
Javier’s feelings about this are ambiguous.
He claims that he maintains control of his
research since he decides which sugges-
tions to apply, but he also has some doubts.
For instance, the coauthor of the article, his
graduate student, openly expressed feeling
uncomfortable using AI in this way:
He told me that he would feel bad for fo-
llowing its advice. And I told him, it’s not
that it’s giving us the idea, but it’s working
from the idea I gave it. We didn’t ask it
to solve this article that has been rejected
The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The
research and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTsresearch and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTs
Santiago-Ruiz, E
YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 83-97
1,000 times. No, we said, we want it to say
this, help us say this (Javier).
In another part of the interview, Javier
hints at a feeling of guilt: “a certain guilt or
I don’t know what else to call it” (Javier).
He reects on the dangers of abusing this
technology: “At what point do you stop
being the one writing? So far, I feel like
it’s been me, but I think it’s very easy to
eventually leave it all to it” (Javier).
Searching, explaining, analyzing: new
ways to access knowledge
AI is also being integrated into various as-
pects of research practices. Its applications
are diverse, and here they are classied
into three main groups: literature search,
resolving queries (akin to tutoring), and
data analysis.
The rst of these, literature search, is a
strategy employed by Samara, Joana, Javi-
er, Ramiro, and Nicolás. For example,
Nicolás explains that he needed to know
when a particular technique was rst used,
and ChatGPT allowed him to nd the orig-
inal source: “It told me that such a tech-
nique for the classication of E. coli was
by so-and-so in such a year, and then of
course I went to PubMed. So, doing the
search there, I found the article” (Nicolás).
This researcher used the clues provided by
ChatGPT to then search for a specialized
database. However, other tools facilitate
direct access to government or research
documents. Such is the case with Copilot:
“it gives you the reference, you click on
the little number, and it takes you there, all
very easy to use” (Joana). Another similar
application is Consensus, which also al-
lows access to specialized references:
Consensus takes a screenshot of the sec-
tion containing the information you are
looking for, so instead of reading the entire
article or all the articles and then following
the thread, it helps you focus your search
much better (Samara).
Samara stands out as the most experienced
user in this regard, as she can use ChatGPT
as her rst tool to better understand a top-
ic and then access specic documents
through Consensus.
AI can also function as a kind of tutor to
resolve doubts or explore topics they do
not fully master (Joana, Sandra, Samara,
and Nicolás). The queries of these par-
ticipants cover methodologies, laboratory
techniques, and the use of specialized soft-
ware. For example, Joana explains:
What would I have done on other occa-
sions? I would have had to go to Maniatis.
And now look for the buffer, now look for
the other buffer, I would have taken 3 cen-
turies longer and then once I found both,
see how they differ, what the differences
are. I would have had to do it manually, it
would have taken much longer, maybe 1
hour, and here it took me 3 minutes (Joa-
On the other hand, Sandra asks one of her
students to consult ChatGPT about how to
perform certain actions in SPSS: “Before
we had our friend [ChatGPT], we used to
watch YouTube videos, but it was very
time-consuming. So, the chat says that it
is in the le tab, and then quickly he gets
it” (Sandra). And Nicolás uses AI to advise
him on using Matlab and Cytoscape:
ChatGPT says to load such a library un-
der such conditions to get the network, or
search for metabolism genes, search for
such and such, so you can build it. Then it
gives your ideas for building the network
or things related to expression, things that
YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 83-97
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research and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTsresearch and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTs
Santiago-Ruiz, E
I would never have imagined. And then it
gives you an idea, and you go and search
for more (Nicolás).
The interviewees are immersed in an envi-
ronment that requires the constant acqui-
sition of new laboratory techniques and
software skills. This demand drives them
to seek new sources of knowledge to stay
updated: “I always tell [my students], just
take a course, and they say no, the chat
helps me” (Sandra). In this context, AI is
partially replacing traditional ways of re-
solving queries and obtaining continuous
education, such as search engines, tutori-
als, videos, or courses, due to its efciency,
speed, and ability to personalize responses.
The nal use of AI observed among par-
ticipants is for data analysis and process-
ing. Nicolás takes his databases and inputs
them into ChatGPT for a preliminary anal-
ysis. Samara uses the same tool as a rst
approach to interpreting her results.
I ran some tests to see if a group of pro-
teins had correlations. You can do this in
a database. But often, most researchers do
not necessarily know how to handle data-
bases. So, I think ChatGPT is an easy way
to approach these things before going to
the database to understand it.
I simply asked it which process these pro-
teins might connect in, and I provided the
list. And then it told me, this protein does
this, and this protein does that. And then I
said, oh, okay, if both are involved in gly-
colysis, then it’s through metabolism that
they are connected (Samara).
Its use in statistical analysis can go even
further. For example, Ramiro uses it to de-
termine “the best statistics for such study
groups.” Nicolás generates code in the sta-
tistical analysis language R, in a process
that involves searching for existing code,
adapting it to his needs, and rening it:
What I do is download R codes, and ba-
sed on what I’m asking it, I say, hey, make
me a pool between this code and that code
because what I need is a scatter plot. So, it
pools the codes and generates a new code.
Of course, you have to adjust it, but Chat-
GPT does the bulk of the work (Nicolás).
From these observations, it can be con-
cluded that articial intelligence has a very
diverse use in scientic research. Its appli-
cations range from learning new software
to improving statistical analyzes and are
summarized in Table 2.
From Efciency to taboo: perceptions
on AI
All participants highlight as an advantage
of AI its ability to increase efciency: “I
think the main benet is speed, and at the
same time, providing you with a text that
reads smoothly” (Anabel). This is un-
doubtedly why they continue to actively
use these tools in their research. However,
along with these advantages mentioned,
certain problems also arise. These prob-
lems can be divided into two groups: those
with identied solutions for which mitiga-
tion strategies have been developed and
those that are more complex and profound
and still lack solutions.
Within the rst group of problems, the one
that stands out most among participants is
the lack of accuracy in information, also
known as hallucination: “Not everything
that ChatGPT outputs will be accurate, so
I have to verify it” (Samara). This risk is
present, but nearly harmless, because all
participants conduct thorough verication
of the answers they receive. The next per-
ceived risk is data leakage: “My main fear
The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The
research and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTsresearch and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTs
Santiago-Ruiz, E
YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 83-97
is data theft, that the data end up being
somehow identied by other groups who
could beat me to publication” (Anabel).
To combat this latter problem, participants
have developed the strategy of modifying
or removing sensitive information before
inputting it into AI platforms: “What I
do is include a paragraph where there’s
no personal or private information at all”
(Samara). Unlike other groups, such as
university students (Santiago-Ruiz, 2023),
participants are informed about the risks
associated with the use of this technolo-
gy, enabling them to develop strategies to
counteract them.
On the other hand, there are also two prob-
lems that they are unsure of how to con-
front. The rst of these is inadvertently
using information belonging to others: “It
can even give you information that you
shouldn’t use. For example, if it’s some-
one else’s original idea” (Joana). This is a
serious issue related to a signicant lack
of clarity regarding copyright and AI. The
second problem is what Joana and Nicolás
describe as the ‘blatant’ use of LLMs to
create repetitive texts lacking analysis.
Joana explains: “I realize that [a student]
simply asked ChatGPT or who knows
whom ‘translate this for me’ and put it as
is.” And Sandra adds: “I worry, for exam-
ple, seeing very well-written texts, and it’s
evident during seminars that they don’t un-
derstand anything.”
Several participants (Joana, Sandra,
Nicolás, Aurora, and Ramiro) have en-
countered the challenge of academic dis-
honesty. However, none of them has come
to a clear solution on how to address it:
“Before, we used to have them read and
do exercises. Now it is getting more dif-
cult because they can even ask the chat
to summarize a reading for them, so it is
complicated (Sandra). Ramiro explains
that he encourages its use only among
his graduate students, but not among un-
Table 2
Uses of AI in research
General Use Specic Use
Writing Assistant
Writing Improvement
Generation of peritexts (titles, abstracts)
Adjusting length
Adapting to another context (scientic dissemination or creating a report from
an article)
Information Search
General information
Panoramic bibliography search (when was the rst time it was reported…).
Specic bibliography search (give me references about…)
Research Assistant
Applying reviewers' corrections
Data Analysis
Preliminary data analysis
Preliminary statistical analysis
Assistant in selecting statistical tests
Programming code (R, Matlab)
YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 83-97
The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The
research and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTsresearch and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTs
Santiago-Ruiz, E
dergraduates because “they are not really
trying to enhance their research skills or
information integration”.
This problem occurs not only among
students, but also among established re-
searchers. Joana recounts her experience
as a reviewer of a paper:
In this case, it was a journal with a very
high impact factor, above 5, and I realized
that AI had been used blatantly. So I re-
plied to the editor and the author and told
them that the writing strongly suggested
AI had been used, and I wanted them to
disclose it, to say it. Then the author was
very honest and said ‘yes, indeed, we used
an articial intelligence tool to write it,’
but the editor didn’t care and published it
anyway. I don’t think even the disclosure
was made. So I think that’s wrong, really,
because the article clearly showed signs of
that. For example, it was very repetitive,
redened things that were already dened,
repeated certain ideas but written in a di-
fferent way (Joana).
This is something researchers consider to
be one of the despicable uses of AI. Joana
says: “it’s really a plague, a very nefari-
ous thing, plagiarism or copy-paste, or
that your mind no longer works, but it’s
all through a robot.” Nicolás shares sim-
ilar sentiments: “they don’t understand
what it’s doing, therefore, it’s not making
their work easier, it’s doing the work for
them.” Unfortunately, the blatant use of AI
is a reality and undoubtedly poses the risk
of replacing the thinking capacity of both
young and established researchers.
Despite using AI tools in several of their
publications, none of the participants have
declared their use. This is in part due to
the fear that editors would reject their pa-
pers. Additionally, the participants argue
that there are no clear criteria for making
this declaration: “Well, yes, how do you
declare it? That is when you think about
what concepts the editors have about this
because that’s entering a void” (Javier).
Erik, as an organizer of a conference, em-
phasizes the importance of declaring the
use of AI and following the lead of major
scientic publishers adopting a transparen-
cy policy.
We are required to run articles through pla-
giarism detection software, but some now
also detect the use of AI tools. There was a
case where the software alerted us, saying
hey, be careful, because it looks like these
types of tools were used here. But since we
do not have a declaration of whether the-
se tools were used or not, we could not do
anything about it. That’s why we’re mo-
ving towards clearly stating the rules to tell
you what can and cannot be done (Erik).
This variability, between being extremely
efcient and dishonesty, leaves partici-
pants uncertain about AI. On the one hand,
they recognize its importance, but also
view it with reservations: “it seems like
we all hide it, it’s like our toxic boyfriend”
(Sandra). While AI is already being active-
ly used in scientic environments, a taboo
is also emerging. A taboo related to fear of
plagiarism and blatant use, which greatly
hinders open dialogue about this technol-
AI and LLM have a wide range of practical
applications and provide signicant bene-
ts to researchers. All participants strongly
agreed that using these tools helped them
save time and become more efcient. AI
particularly stands out as a writing assis-
tant, which is expected to some extent,
given that LLM are designed to understand
The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The
research and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTsresearch and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTs
Santiago-Ruiz, E
YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 83-97
and process natural language. In this area,
participants leverage AI through a variety
of strategies. For instance, to generate spe-
cic sections of a document such as titles
and abstracts. Moreover, it is commonly
used to adapt a text to different contexts,
such as re-ne a project into an article or
scientic outreach material. However, the
most frequently mentioned application is
manuscript editing in English. In this re-
gard, AI facilitates the integration of Mexi-
can scientists into an international research
environment and offers greater opportuni-
ties for publication in high impact journals.
AI can also be extremely useful in other
phases of research. For example, it can
assist in rening objectives or selecting
methodology. It should be noted that its
use as a research assistant is less wide-
spread and more controversial. Additional-
ly, AI is immensely valuable for informa-
tion retrieval, especially in a context where
the production of scientic literature is
overwhelming. Therefore, it would not be
surprising if future standards for review ar-
ticles were modied. Currently, PRISMA
incorporates specic aspects of search en-
gines, such as keyword usage. Thus, it is
plausible that future guidelines will be up-
dated to include features this technology.
The eld of AI tools is evolving rapidly.
While ChatGPT is the most well-known
application, there are many others. Copilot
is general-purpose; DeepL and Scispace
specialize in paraphrasing and text correc-
tion; Consensus is designed for bibliogra-
phy management, and Writeall focuses on
manuscript preparation before submission.
Each tool has specic capabilities and lim-
itations. It seems that this proliferation of
AI tools will only increase in the future.
It may not be sufcient to know just one
tool; rather, it will be necessary to use sev-
eral depending on their utility in different
research phases.
Despite the signicant advantages that AI
can offer, this technology also brings po-
tential problems such as plagiarism and in-
formation leakage. However, the greatest
perceived risk by participants is what they
have termed blatant use” This refers to the
practice of presenting entire texts or exten-
sive text sections generated by LLMs as
one’s own work. The result is document-
ing lacking depth, analysis, and creativi-
ty. This phenomenon appears to manifest
at all levels, from students to researchers
publishing in high-impact journals.
Recommendations to improve trans-
It is crucial to explicitly disclose the use
of AI, as transparency is one of the cor-
nerstones of scientic work. Currently, al-
though AI is widely used in research, there
is a signicant regulatory gap. Therefore,
it is necessary for educational institutions,
publishers, and specialized journals to es-
tablish clear guidelines regarding the use
of AI. Furthermore, it is essential for the
authors to declare how they employ these
tools. So far, none of the participants
have declared their use of AI, sometimes
because they have not been explicitly re-
quired to do so, and other times due to fear
of editors’ opinions. Moreover, there are
no clear guidelines on how to explain the
use of AI. Therefore, the following recom-
mendations are provided to enhance trans-
Explicitly state the AI tools used. Each
tool is designed for specic purpos-
es and has different capabilities and
limitations. Therefore, understanding
these characteristics is important to
evaluate their impact on research.
YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 83-97
The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The The incorporaTion of generaTive arTificial inTelligence in The
research and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTsresearch and wriTing pracTices of Mexican scienTisTs
Santiago-Ruiz, E
Detail the application method. Provide
a detailed explanation of how AI tools
were used, highlighting the research
phases or the sections of the manu-
script where they were implemented.
This provides a clear context and en-
ables readers to understand the role AI
played in the process.
Explain the prompts. Prompts can sig-
nicantly inuence results, so it is ad-
visable to describe them. This will help
to reproduce and evaluate the research
more effectively.
Based on the ndings of this research, it
can be concluded that the extensive func-
tionality of AI suggests that it will increas-
ingly take center stage in research in the
future. The changes that AI is bringing to
academic elds are substantial and alter
the way information is accessed, analyzed,
and written. Researchers who master these
technologies undoubtedly have a signif-
icant advantage over those who do not.
However, all of this is hindered by issues
such as blatant use and new forms of ac-
ademic dishonesty. Analytical thinking,
creativity, and transparency are essential
components of scientic work. However,
indiscriminate use of AI jeopardizes these
principles. This undoubtedly threatens the
development of new researchers, as sever-
al participants point out that many opt for
the easy path instead of developing their
cognitive abilities. Additionally, in today’s
context, which demands constant article
production and where high citation num-
bers are crucial, excessive use of AI could
undermine the scientic publishing sys-
tem. Currently, it is important to promote
positive uses of AI while limiting nega-
tives. This will not happen spontaneously
but requires us to create the right condi-
tions to achieve the best results. Therefore,
it would be necessary to overcome the
taboo and implement training programs,
awareness campaigns, and updated ethical
Declaration on the use of AI
The ideas, arguments, conceptual deni-
tions, research design, and interpretation
of the data are original creations of the
author. ChatGPT was used to accelerate
the writing process and correct Spanish
drafts with the prompt improve the writ-
ing. Once a nal version of the manuscript
was reached, ChatGPT was used with the
prompt translate to English. The author re-
viewed this translation to ensure coherence
and accuracy.
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Para referenciar este artículo utilice el siguiente formato:
Santiago-Ruiz, E. (2024, julio/diciembre). The incorporation of generative articial intelligence in the
research and writing practices of Mexican scientists. YACHANA Revista Cientíca, 13(2), 83-97.