YACHANA Revista Cientíca, vol. 13, núm. 2 (julio-diciembre de 2024), pp. 153-163
Competitive profile matrix of ServiCe CompanieS in the Competitive profile matrix of ServiCe CompanieS in the
automotive SeCtorautomotive SeCtor
Gallegos-Erazo, F.
2023; Casas et al., 2020). This deciency
affects operational efciency and causes
customer loss, negatively impacting sales
volume and competitiveness (Li & Lai,
2021). Problems managing inventory (Ria-
di et al., 2023), product offerings, and sales
processes aggravate the situation, creating
barriers to growth (Rahatulain, 2019).
Lack of understanding of critical success
factors leads to poor implementation of
loyalty strategies, affecting repurchase
rates (Farhikhteh et al., 2020). The absence
of reliable data and appropriate analytics
limits the ability of these companies to
identify the causes of declining customer
retention (Suhanda et al., 2022). Historical
sales and repurchase data show decreasing
patterns, indicating a trend toward lower
loyalty (Randhawa, 2018). Furthermore,
the lack of specic customer satisfaction
metrics makes it difcult to correlate loss
of loyalty with particular service problems
(Sciascia, 2022; Akhmedova et al., 2020),
preventing companies from implementing
practical improvements in their operations
(Kanaan et al., 2023). This phenomenon
is aggravated by the lack of a competitive
prole matrix that allows service compa-
nies to evaluate their position against the
competition, identify opportunities, and
design strategies that foster customer loy-
alty (Capps et al., 2019).
The competitive prole matrix (CPM) is a
crucial tool for identifying, evaluating, and
comparing key success factors in the au-
tomotive sector. According to Shuplyakov
et al. (2021), it provides a clear structure
for analyzing a company’s competitive
position against its direct competitors. In
automotive service companies, MPC is
especially useful for lubricants, facing
increasing competition, where customer
retention and repurchase are critical chal-
lenges (Suhanda et al., 2022).
Identifying critical success factors (KSF)
in this sector is complex due to the mul-
tiple variables inuencing purchasing
decisions. Cifuentes-Suárez & More-
no-Gavilanes (2021) and Chávez & Fárez
(2023) highlight the importance of quali-
ty, safety, value, design, style, and inno-
vation. Guachamín & Yunga (2023) also
show that price is decisive for 95.7% of
those surveyed in their study.
The MPC provides a framework for as-
sessing companies’ position on these fac-
tors. Each company receives a weighted
score based on its performance in service
quality (Prasetya & Sianturi, 2019), pric-
ing strategy, location, visibility in promo-
tions and advertising, and trained staff.
Weighted scoring allows companies to
accurately identify areas requiring im-
provement and prioritize changes based on
their potential impact on customer loyalty
and repurchase. This analysis allows com-
panies to be compared directly with their
competitors and nd areas for improve-
ment (Shuplyakov et al., 2021).
Implementing the MPC is vital to identify
aspects that directly affect customer re-
purchase and loyalty. Ballou et al. (2004)
note that understanding repurchase trends
allows companies to adjust their inventory
(Riadi et al., 2023) to meet demand. Helli-
er et al. (2003) and Ramírez & Almeida
(2020) highlight that repurchase reects
customer satisfaction and their experience
in the transaction (Wijaya et al., 2022).
Applying CPM in automotive services
would allow a clearer perspective of the
strengths and weaknesses of a company
compared to the competition. Identifying
critical success factors and comparing
them to best practices is essential for lubri-
cants to develop strategies that drive loy-